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youth | jmac / ymac

‘jmac’ and ‘ymac’ are our Friday night youth groups which meet onsite each week during school terms:

jmac – 5:30pm-7:00pm
ymac – 7:00pm-9:00pm

jmac‘ is for children in years 3-6 at Primary School and is a great place for children to come and play games, hear about the bible, meet new friends and generally just enjoy the end of the school week!

It is co-ordinated by a team of young adults who are part of the Macchap church community, all who have been approved through the government ‘Working with Children’ check process.

 Here is a standard night at jmac:

5:30pm – Children arrive and get straight into some typical, ice-breaker style games. In this space we choose games that are well known and loved by all the ‘jmaccers’.

5:45pm – Every night at jmac has a theme. We try to align the theme with the talk topic for the night.

In this space we may have team games, all in activities, or challenges which require team-work and strategy.

6:00pm – Every week there is a 10 minute talk, followed by a time of discussion where young people interact with the topic of the night.

We teach from the Bible and aim to be interactive and relevant to the lives of the children.

6:30pm – We end the night with a fun interactive activity, followed by supper.

Once a term we get involved in a community focused activity or find out more about how God is working in places overseas.

ymac‘ is for youth from year 7-12 and is designed to be a group where we meet new people, build strong friendships, have a lot of fun and hear how the bible connects with our lives and the world we live in.

On Sundays, among our various age group kids activities, we have a Yr 4-6 bible study group that helps young people engage in creative ways with both the bible and their world, as well as a teen youth bible study that meets at 10.30am. For young people in high school years, we look more closely at how we can grow in our relationship with Jesus, serve God and build each other up as Christian brothers and sisters.

Youth Logo

Safe Ministry

We aim to provide a safe and inviting space for all kids and youth across our programmes.

Macquarie Chapel Presbyterian Church is bound to and follows the Breaking the Silence Policy for the protection of children and vulnerable people. This is found at



Program and School Term:

Please get in touch with our Children’s Pastor, Juli Secker for more details regarding both Jmac and Ymac.

Email Juli

Social Media

ymac is also on social media. Our Facebook page is a closed group for those attending youth group and if you are a youth, you can request to join this page. Our youtube page has a few videos that have been made by our youth group over a number of years.